Here are extracts from some of Margaret’s posts about our food bank donations to Sutton Coldfield United Reformed Church.
December 19, 2019
It is not often that I struggle to find words but I am struggling today. In total, 15 large bags have been delivered, most of them this morning to the United Reform Church together with a cheque for £100. Quite remarkable! Thank you.
Your generosity has been overwhelming and it means that someone somewhere will have a decent meal, children will have a few sweet treats and people without warm outer clothing will now have some. Needless to say, the gifts were received with grateful thanks.
December 13, 2019
I am aware that time is rushing by and on Thursday of next week I plan to take the collection of food and gifts to the United Reform Church. I have already taken five heavy bags of donations gifted by just one very generous plot holder, which were so gratefully received. If you are able to help between now and then I would be so pleased. I do pop in to the shed now and again and I have removed biscuits and chocolate, in order to keep them frost and damp free, but rest assured, they will be included. Any small items of sweets or chocolate, tins of meat and fish, fruit and vegetables, cereals, toiletries etc would be wonderful.
November 30, 2019
As agreed at the AGM a couple of weeks ago, our chosen charity this year is to be our local Food Bank organised and supported by the United Reformed Church in Sutton Town Centre. It is local and it helps local people, especially children.
I am going to put a box in the Shop Shed this morning. I will leave it there until Thursday 19th December when I will take it down to the church.
Any contributions will be most welcome but especially tinned meat, fish, soups, pasta sauces, cereals, tea, coffee, biscuits, chocolate treats, toiletries, sanitary products and maybe even a warm scarf or some gloves.
October 16, 2019
Our surplus produce has been put to good use thanks to the donations you have made to the blue box. I have been delivering bountiful quantities of fantastic courgettes, potatoes, beans, onions, cabbages, salads, herbs and soft fruit to the United Reformed Church in Sutton Town Centre where it is used in the kitchens to produce healthy meals and soups for people in need. Last week the kitchen was buzzing with a group of Downs Syndrome people learning how to prepare and cook meals with fresh produce, all supervised by volunteers from the church. Some of the produce is side-lined for a new group supported by the church which takes fresh food to people who live alone or who are unable to get out to shop for themselves. A worthy cause and I thank you for it. I have now suspended the collection as there is a bit of a lull in harvesting.
June 26, 2019
I have decided not to take surplus produce to Slimming World this season. Instead I thought it might be a nice gesture to take surplus produce to the United Reformed Church. On Tuesdays and Fridays the kitchens there make vast quantities of soup which they serve to drop in guests in need of a warm meal. My plan is to collect produce on a Tuesday morning, early, and then pop it down to the church ready for the kitchens to use. So, if you are willing, help me out please. Collection point will be the same. I will leave the blue plastic box ready. It’s too early to start yet but perhaps you can bear the idea in mind.
March 5, 2019
As tomorrow marks the beginning of Lent I have put a largish bag in the shop shed to receive donations for the Food Bank. Hopefully as we approach Easter we will be able to deliver some food items and perhaps some treats for the children. Your generosity at Christmas was so very much appreciated. If you are happy to contribute this time I am sure it will be equally well received.
January 25, 2019
The success of the food bank collection just before Christmas was evident from the response by the practice nurse who sent such a lovely email to thank us. Of course, food is not just for Christmas so we wondered about having further collections now and again, perhaps nearer Easter time. If you feel able to contribute we will put a box in the shed. I will give notice when that happens.
December 31, 2018
The following email has been received today. It is from and on behalf of the United Reformed Church and the recipients of your donations.
Your generosity has obviously been appreciated. It has been a quite humbling experience. Happy New Year.
November 23, 2018
A while ago we suggested that having been on the receiving end of charitable donations…..the lottery grant for the metal fencing and the poly tunnel, it would be a nice gesture for us to give a little in return by way of a charitable donation to a local organisation.
Having asked you all for suggestions where you would like that donation to go, the overwhelming response was to give to a local food bank.
So, a cheque for £75 will be sent to the organisers of the food bank at the United Reform Church in Sutton Coldfield.
We wondered also if we could do a little more. So, we are going to put a couple of large boxes in the shed to receive donations.
We understand that it is not just food that is required. Certainly food items will be welcome but also items such as toilet soap, tooth brushes/paste, shampoo, scarves, woolly hats, and anything else you think might be needed.