Secretary: Hilary | I am the primary point of contact for Four Oaks Plot holders’ Association with Birmingham City Council, Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council and Birmingham District Allotments Confederation. As secretary, I also maintain the database of plot holder details. I record the minutes of Committee meetings and circulate dates, agendas, minutes and any documents required for the AGM to plot holders. I also issue Letters of concern on behalf of BCC to plot holders failing to maintain their plots and am responsible for the delivery of management responsibilities. |
Treasurer: Robin | My role is to manage the finances of FOPA, paying the bills, and managing the bank accounts. I also prepare a simple set of accounts every three months and one formal set every 12 months so we can all see how the business side of FOPA is being managed. Together with Hilary, the Secretary, and Paul, the Site Manager, we are responsible for collecting annual rents on behalf of Birmingham City Council. My other role is to manage the Shed Shop. I buy in the bags of multi-purpose compost, the fertilisers, the 8’ canes, etc.. Then, with my treasurer’s hat on, I collect any monies due from plot holders using our online banking system. |
Site Manager: David | As Site Manager, my duty is to keep an eye on the site and to make sure that plots are well cultivated and tended. I also make sure that safety issues are addressed and notify the committee of any repairs or changes that need to take place. Help, encouragement, and communication with plot holders are other key aspects of my role. |
Lettings Manager & Assistant Treasurer: Paul | As Lettings Manager, I interview potential plot holders so that each new tenant is fully aware of the joy, satisfaction, and responsibilities required when taking on a plot. It’s an extraordinarily satisfying role, especially when new tenants so obviously get stuck in and enjoy themselves. |
Maintenance Manager: Moss |