Plot holders’ BBQ

Hello Plotholders,

It is that time of year again, when we celebrate the harvest we are growing, and we all get together to enjoy some catch-up time, without having to deal with all the picking, pickling, freezing, and storing of produce.  A time for plot holders to get together and enjoy quality time with friends.

There will be a notice posted very soon about the BBQ  but just for your information, it is to be held on Saturday  5th August 2023  at 5.30 till 9pm.  We hope you will join us again this year.

We will be asking for offers of salads and desserts, and as usual be providing the burgers, sausages etc, vegetarian and vegan food.  Offers of assistance to erect the gazebos will be appreciated.

I would ask that you Please, Please let us know that you are coming to the BBQ,  We need to have some idea as to the quantity of food we need to buy to make the party go with a Bang!

If you can email me before this Friday evening to let us know it would be extremely helpful.

I look forward to hearing from you very soon.  Thank You.

